Introduction to EVM Smart Contracts
What are EVM Smart Contracts?
Smart contracts on UOMI are programs that run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). These self-executing contracts contain code and data that live at a specific address on the blockchain. Being EVM-compatible, UOMI supports the same smart contract functionality as Ethereum, allowing developers to write and deploy contracts using familiar tools and languages.
Programming Language
Smart contracts on UOMI are primarily written in Solidity, the most widely used programming language for EVM development. Solidity is:
Object-oriented and high-level
Specifically designed for smart contracts
Similar to JavaScript/C++ in syntax
Statically typed
💡 Note While Solidity is the most common choice, you can also use other EVM-compatible languages like Vyper.
Development Requirements
To start developing smart contracts on UOMI, you'll need:
1. MetaMask Wallet
Browser extension for interacting with EVM chains
Manages your accounts and transactions
Connects dApps to the blockchain
2. UOMI Network Configuration
3. Development Tools
Solidity Compiler: Converts Solidity code to EVM bytecode
Development Framework: Hardhat, Truffle, or Foundry
Code Editor: VS Code with Solidity extensions recommended
Smart Contract Basics
Contract Structure
Key Concepts
State Variables
Permanently stored in contract storage
Represent the contract's state
Execute contract logic
Can be public, private, internal, or external
Can modify state or be view/pure
Log important changes
Can be monitored by applications
Interacting with Smart Contracts
You can interact with smart contracts through:
Send transactions
Manage accounts
Connect to dApps
Web3 Libraries
Block Explorers
View transactions
Verify contracts
Monitor events
Getting Started
Set Up MetaMask
Install the extension
Create or import an account
Add UOMI network
Get Test Tokens
Use the testnet faucet
Required for deployment and testing
Choose Development Tools
Install development framework
Set up your IDE
Configure network settings
Next Steps
Ready to start developing? Check out:
Last updated